T.C. Mİllî Eğİtİm BakanlIğI
ANTALYA / MURATPAŞA - Muratpaşa Azize Kahraman Halk Eğitimi Merkezi

Home Décor- vocational skills to decorate indoor spaces- HDV

05-10-2021                                                                     "Home Decor-vocational skills to decorate indoor spaces" is Erasmus+ strategic partnership project KA 2 VET focused on the exchange of good practice. The consortium is a mix of appropriate complementary 5 institutions with the necessary profile, experiences and expertise to deliver all aspects of the project, coming from different fields of educations and trainings including newcomer: PL (foundations-vet profile), TR ( public school for adults), BG (professional high school of building constructions), PT (SME-home decor business). Partners work on modern home design with the traditional elements in the context of the entrepreneurship. The objectives are: -increase staff and learners competences in home decor design; -develop and promote modern home design combining with traditions from partners; -show the importance of the home design and handicraft for migrants and local socially excluded people; -increase the knowledge and staff skills of modern design, new materials and techniques; -teach the way to create small business based on the example of good practices from participating countries and its contribution to the local economy; -develop tolerance between nations and increase intercultural dialogue without any prejudices. Partners focus on decorative concrete and moss wall panels, wall coffers, wooden decorations, stained glass, modern ceramic decorations and all kind of "soft" home decoration, like carpets/rugs, tablecloths, bed covers and azulejos tiles, presenting the techniques and sharing experiences. It is also the track to combine modernity with tradition. The tangible project results: POSTER, LEAFLET, E-BROCHURE "Home Decorations", VIDEO-CLIPS about process of making home decorations, many home decoration objects.



" New skills and experiences in home decorations".

Bulgarian technical school of Construction and Geodesy "Arch. Georgy Kozarov" collaborate in ERASMUS+ KA 2 VET project entitled " Home décor-vocational skills to decorate indoor spaces" and dedicated to the exchange of good practice.

The coordinating institution is Fundacja Euro-Form from Rzeszów, Poland. Other partners: Fundacja Integracji Społecznej FIS from Rzeszów- Poland, Guerreiro & Silveira, Lda private company from Portugal, Adult Education Centre and Evening Art School-Azize Kahraman School from Turkey.

Our objectives are :

- Development and promotion of modern home design combining with tradition from participating countries;

- Showing the importance of home design handicraft for inclusive training purposes;

- Increase the staff competences of modern design, new materials and techniques with traditional elements;

- Showing the way to create small business based on the example of good practices from participating countries and its contribution to the local economy;

- Develop tolerance between nations and increase intercultural dialogue without any prejudice.

Our activities :

- Design and management of the project's FACEBOOK PAGE;

- Design and produce LOGO of the project;

- Design and produce project POSTER in format A-3 in virtual and paper version;


- Design and produce a LEAFLET in virtual and paper version;

- Organize many vocational workshops about local home décor;

- Elaborate E-BROCHURE "Home Décor";

- Create videos about home décor techniques;

- Create Power Point presentation – best practice in the project;

- Organize Final Exhibitions of home décor objects produced by partners.

Each partner contributed to final products, shared experiences, prepared home decor objects.

Bulgarian partner focused on wall cover techniques. Our students prepared and presented many examples of different wall designs for participating partners. The experiences from foreign vocational institutions enriched our students' vocational skills.

We have completed 3 visits: short-staff training in Portugal, project management meeting in Poland and project meeting in Turkey.

During project meeting in Poland, the partnership focused on project management, task distributions, local activities, dissemination. The HDV group visited ceramic studio for pottery workshop and the company DEKOSTYL that provides home decoration materials and home interior design.

In the training course in Mem-Martins, Portugal participated all partners. The consortium covered the declared objectives of the training: getting knew the techniques of the home decoration, exchanged good practices between partners, getting knew inclusive training programs.

In project meeting in Turkey partners studied local techniques of home decoration, such as: Handicrafts, Patchwork, Hand embroidery, Machine Embroidery, Stained Glass, Fabric Painting, Wood Painting, Ceramic.

During the TPM in Turkey, the HDV group took part in the preparation of very big handicraft exhibition for the public in the Exhibition Hall ( Cam Piramit ) in Antalya. Project participants together with staff and learners from Azize Kahraman School presented home décor objects created in the frame of the project. All participants and local public were very impressed of great number of home decorations ( stained glass objects, wooden décor, needle work, ceramic and many others) made by Turkish learners/staff who presented their vocational skills. Foreign delegation was welcomed by the governor of Antalya, by the director of Antalya Educational Authorities and by head of school.

All partners have acquired new vocational skills, enriched the knowledge of new home decor techniques, created new vocational partnership between foreign entities and exchange of good practice between collaborating partners.

e-Brochure PDF







https://youtu.be/M6SsZSCjU7U green moss decoration Poland

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Rxn0zPFUII concrete panels Poland

https://www.facebook.com/Home-D%C3%A9cor-vocational-skills-to-decorate-indoor-spaces-HDV-105643018133157 FB



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Yayın: 06.09.2021 - Güncelleme: 11.08.2022 10:47 - Görüntülenme: 742
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